Creating psychological flexibility in the workplace


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A unique opportunity for members of staff to attend an evidence-based psychological skills training programme

This is a series of practical personal development skills workshops encouraging positive mental wellbeing. 

Why do organisations need to take wellbeing seriously?  

HSE statistics (2017/2018) report that 15.4 million working days were lost due to work related stress, depression or anxiety. 595,000  Workers reported suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety (new or long-standing) in 2017/18. Clearly the cost to industry is catastrophic with reports demonstrating this costs the UK billions of pounds per year. 

What are the benefits for your organisation? 

  • Increased productivity and improved performance

  • An energised workforce focussed on driving success

  • Build resilience so that they can bounce back from setbacks

  • Recognise the choices they have around the way they achieve success

  • Reduction of absenteeism due to stress related illnesses

When and where does the training occur?

The training will take place within a meeting room at your place of work- alternative options available. 

Who are the trainers?

The training is being delivered by Alex Ross- Cameron and Gemma Boyd. Both of whom have extensive experience working with a variety of clients suffering with varying degrees of psychological difficulties.  They are both fully accredited by the BABCP and have numerous years of experience of working in various organisations affiliated with wellbeing and the mental health industry. They both strongly believe in the importance of promoting positive psychology and helping attendees to enhance their awareness to enable them to identify choices and act consistently with their values therefore making positive changes internally and externally so they feel more satisfied.  More organisations in every sector are now placing greater emphasis on the promotion of psychological health in the workplace and recognise that increased investment has potential for improving quality of life in both general terms and in the workplace.

Gemma and Alex are fully committed to help people achieve positive outcomes from these workshops. 

Who is this training for?

Anyone and everyone!